Friday, December 26, 2008

Posing2! Gediks gang unleashed!!!

Nak dijadikan cerite, ade suatu ari tu abe si Sophia nk bwk kami berempat berkelana. Eceh~ xla, gi Giant je, nk beli brg2 umah. Nk top up2 ape2 yg patut. Jd sementara menanti kedtgan abe si sophia, kitorg pun bsiap2. Pastu, kitorg bgambar2. Klik sane, klik sini. Maka, wujudla gambo2 sperti yg dibawah ni....

Freestyle...syak bajet hot, sue bajet tenang, aq bajet ntah, aq pn x pasti ekspresi ape tah yg aq wat tu....

Rock bebeh!!
Bajet ayu..uhuhu~

Calonz2 menant pilihan...haa~ pilih2..

Aloh~ tudung slack rr...fuh2!

Stress giler...mne abe nih..x sampai2 agi ko?

Ke'tension'an melanda..gara2 dpt result final sem emo aa sume India!!
The princesses of Bali..huhu

Cube teka sape punye jari..

Huish~ bkan men lg bgayut..hahaha...

Kami rakan sejoli..lalalala~
Poyo time for Syak twins..
Alalalala~ tiutnyeeee...

Yg sblah kiri bwt iklan gigi, yg sblah kanan bajet comel...nyampah! ahahahha...

Kung fu pendek..hahaha..
What are they doing? I have no idea~~~

Taichi kah? Atau judo kah?

Basically, that is all..sbb sejurus pas itu, tibe2 abe ckp da smpai..maka kami sume pun kelam kabut...hahahaha...sekian wassalam~

Friday, December 12, 2008

waa!!!sem baru da nk stat..

actually there's nothing to say..
btol!!xde ape..
ak n farah blik kolej awal sket..
kat umah boring..
da laa xbc buku,tdo jer kejenye mmnjg..
mood raye pun da xde..
kat cni pun boring gak..
me and farah arrived at 7.30 p.m on tuesday..
betolak kol 9(ms yg sepatutnye 8.30 a.m)
daa laa duk kat blakang skali dlm bas..
sabor je laa..
spnjg ms ni kat kolej,ape yg kitorang wat??

sand melayan citer hanazakari no kimitachi e...

ak lak melayan citer hana yori dango final..
waa,giler best hoo~~
'eternal love is something that exists when u believe in it'~hana yori dango final

i like it so much..
the Flower Four..
what a sweet love story..
Domyouji Tsukasa,Makino Tsukushi,Hanazawa Rui(which i like the most),the 2 other guys which i can't really remember..

Tuesday, December 2, 2008



Saya NuFaS pemberita dari Majalah Manggis ingin melaporkan isu2 terkini yang berlaku berkaitan dengan Soap-Shark-Sue-SharkSquare


currently in Bali. Specific whereabouts unknown. Last seen KTT.


at home in Kota Bharu, kelantan. With Shark Square currently residing.


busy playing with the goats that are about to be korban for Raya Haji. Also in Kota Bharu, Kelantan.


currently impostoring as NuFaS. Blogging like crazy. Formerly residing at Sue's house.
That's all.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

al-kisahnye si farah...

once upon a time~
hehe,cam nk bc kan hikayat 1001 mlm jer..
xde la...
just a little news bout her..
today,just now,we went to pejabat agama sepang..
just tok dftrkan ke'convert'an dye..
okaylaa..everything seems to be fine..
n guest what??
ktorg pilih nme on the spot..
ms tu gak kn isi borg dye..
n of course we have to fill up the name..
Nur Farah Syakirah
best gak bunyi dye,tp yg xpuas atinye..
nape de nm syak???
nape bkn nme kami2 ni yg terpilih??
xde laa sgt sbnornye..
aiman xkesaa~
ak pun xnk ade kembar..
lg2 ngan ketinggian yg hampir mncecah 190..
agak2 ape unit yg ak guna tu??
micro metre??
milli metre??
or nano metre??
centi metre xmungkin..
adoi...xdpt dinafikan..
ktorg xmungkin akan mencecah setinggi tu..

Sunday, November 23, 2008


to all of our frenz...
just wanna wish..
gudluck 4 ur final exam..
wish all or us da best..
n also slamat blik kg..

Saturday, November 15, 2008

important event that's just happen~~

exam is just around the corner..
but still,i dont read much on all the 4 killer subject..
my tyme had been spent on every single things that happen in this house for the moment..
i have to be a responsible muslim to guide her to the right path..
but it's okay..
selagi mn kita menolong agama Allah,Allah akan menolong kita..
dan tidaklah kita dibebankan dgn sesuatu yg tidak kita mampu..
ni laa cbrn tok kami utk buktikan sejauh mne kami sggup berjuang tok Allah..
sedangkan senior yg ngah exam A2 pun sggup luangkan masa utk kitorg,apalagi ktorang yg just utk final exam..
Ya Allah..permudahkanlah segala2 nya utk kami..
Hanya pada-Mu kami memohon..
wat have been happened to us??
this is a story bout a girl that i know..
i will refer to her as 'Farah'..
katenye dye berminat ngan islam sejak form 1 agi..
spnjg persekolahan dye,dye berkwn ngan rmai dak2 malay muslims..
jd dye tau byk psl islam..
dye pun ada wat research about the truth of islam..
she found that she want to revert..
revert is used here coz setiap manusia dilahirkan dlm keadaan fitrah..
fitrah tu maksudnye dlm keadaan yg beriman kpd Allah..
but,she just can't do it..
dye xde courage n afraid that her parents might knew it..
lps segala2 mslh yg dye hadapi,dye terdetik utk postkan mslh dye kat
kat ctu,she got many feedback that support her..
tetibe,Allah tnjukkan jln pd sorang kwn dye utk gitau president of an islamic association..
coz he might be know what's the proper way to handle this..
then,mr presiden aturkan pertemuan ngan senior yg penah revert n also with two person that involved in the 'revertion' of the senior..
after one usrah with them,Farah just act as usual n being normal..
that night,'the revert senior' came to farah's house..
they just talked n talked about aqidah..
then,drastically farah tnye,"camner nk mengucap ek?"..
both of her housemate that are there n also the senior shocked..
but they just support her..
mlm tu juga,berlaku laa pengucapan 2 kalimah syahadah yg ditunggu2 selama ni oleh kwn2 dye..
dgn disaksikan oleh 3 org jer..
saat2 tu agak mendebarkan.
senior tu bacakan dgn suara yg halus n lembut..
that girl just follow the senior..
then,semua menitiskan air mata kegembiraan..
satu suasana yg sgt2 sayu..
but,one of their housemate are not there to see it..
agak rugi,but it's ok..

Thursday, November 13, 2008


it's me again..
again and again..
it's like i'm the one who like to 'merapu-rapu'..
kah3x...aiman xkesaa..
ari ni ada agi peristiwa yg berlaku..
memalukan ktorang jgak..
asal slalu prkara yg memalukan berlaku kat ktorg??
da laa slalunyer tnpa kehadiran soap..
soap~..where are you??
why you are always not here when we need you..
we need you tok same2 merasai prkara yg memalukan itu..
ape prkara tu??nape slalu ktorg jdik cmni..
prkara tu one knew it except for the 5 people whose involved..
xpuas ati tol ak..i just will write it a little bit..
ms tu,ak jer yg brckp n mgeluarkan hujah2 ku yg bernas..
sandy malu2..but then she spoke out at last
syark lg laa malu(ak xtau nape dia lak yg lebey2)
suasana cam amat tegang..(xde laa tegang pun,sajer jer~hiperbola)
lps tu,sume jdk cam siap nk tubuhkan P.B.F.C..
jgn kate 3-3 da tersangkut..
haha..xtahan ak..sabor jer laa~
soap blik lagi..
lagi2 balik...
mentang2 umah dia yg paling dkat compared to us..
dia blik sbb kakak dia,K.Sarah blik..
her younger sis,Aina..dpt 5a's in UPSR..
n also to celebrate her brother's birthday..

this night,only me and syark are in the house..
ku ditinggalkan kesepian~
pilu hatiku~
kembalilah kpd ku~
hak3x..entah sape laa yg nyanyi lagu tu..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


haha..kelasakan kitorang terserlah..
naek bukit ngan cara yg agak mencabar..
da 3x tu~..
kitorang nek bukit atas pengaruh rakan sebaya..
kah3x,sempat lg nk salahkan org..
the 5s bergabung tenaga menakluki bukit 'ktt'..

  • 1st,on one fine evening without people.. -sue,syark n syaril..
  • 2nd,pd wktu pagi yg hening.. -sue,syark,syaril n sandy(keahlian brtambah)
  • 3rd,pd wktu ptg yg ntah brp rmai org yg naek bukit tu. -sue,syark,syaril,sandy & soap(brtambah lg keahlian)

after 3 days of da 'climbing'..all 5s manage to prove that they are not weak..

adoi..ganas tol..dak pompuan naek ngan cara daki bukit tu..ak hanya mmpu bersabar..hmm~sabor je laa..hak3x..btw,we had so much fun together..

Friday, November 7, 2008


why is the title are 'bicycles'? fun to remember the moments..
back in ktt,the college had prepared 4 bikes for the students to rent..
whatever,as long as we can take a ride..
sue,syark,sandy n elly..
all of us try to ride them on one fine Friday evening..
the 's' as usual,with their own style
children-like attitude..
just like 'minah rempit'..
but u know,the only difference is in the vehicle..
'rempit' with a bike..wearing tudung n so on..
is it possible??
why is there elly??
where is soap??
where has she gone??
how could she was not there when all the other three are??
just to note:
she went home..
for medical reason..
it's okay..
never mind..
p/s:hope that none of our friends saw us at the evening

Saturday, November 1, 2008


actually,there's nothing to say here..
just want to contribute something to this blog..
so it wouldn't be sandy alone doing this..
the other 3s have never been into all this-blogging-stuff before..
so i just wanna try's me,sue
maybe it's gonna be fun..
or kind of boring..
(activating malay mode)
btol kate sandy..
blog ni dibuat tok melawan blog dak2 10-3-a4..
jadik kesimpulannye..8-3-a1 vs 10-3-a4
ak terlibat sama ni sbb syak kate ak pndai mengayat..
mengayat??sabor je la..
lgpun sewr mutt yg suh ktorg wat blog+sandy yg mmg hantu blogging..

just a brief history about all of us..
sue=kelate~smka naim lilbanat~single+available
syark=kelate~sm ahmad maher~single+available
so=selangor(tp parents dr kelate gak)~sbpi sabak bernam~single+available
sandy=sarawak(the only one who comes from a far-away-country)~semashur~single+available(i guest)

Friday, October 24, 2008


Grr~ i'm all alone in this house...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Getting started....

The main purpose of us creating this blog is to ;

- give you a brief idea on how happy we were in KTT despite all the troubles we went through here...

-bore people on how happy we were...

-brainwash KTT students into liking KTT sincerely...haha~

-compete with those dudes of 10-3-A4 in gaining publicity...(just kidding...haha~)

-none of the above is true...