Saturday, November 15, 2008

important event that's just happen~~

exam is just around the corner..
but still,i dont read much on all the 4 killer subject..
my tyme had been spent on every single things that happen in this house for the moment..
i have to be a responsible muslim to guide her to the right path..
but it's okay..
selagi mn kita menolong agama Allah,Allah akan menolong kita..
dan tidaklah kita dibebankan dgn sesuatu yg tidak kita mampu..
ni laa cbrn tok kami utk buktikan sejauh mne kami sggup berjuang tok Allah..
sedangkan senior yg ngah exam A2 pun sggup luangkan masa utk kitorg,apalagi ktorang yg just utk final exam..
Ya Allah..permudahkanlah segala2 nya utk kami..
Hanya pada-Mu kami memohon..
wat have been happened to us??
this is a story bout a girl that i know..
i will refer to her as 'Farah'..
katenye dye berminat ngan islam sejak form 1 agi..
spnjg persekolahan dye,dye berkwn ngan rmai dak2 malay muslims..
jd dye tau byk psl islam..
dye pun ada wat research about the truth of islam..
she found that she want to revert..
revert is used here coz setiap manusia dilahirkan dlm keadaan fitrah..
fitrah tu maksudnye dlm keadaan yg beriman kpd Allah..
but,she just can't do it..
dye xde courage n afraid that her parents might knew it..
lps segala2 mslh yg dye hadapi,dye terdetik utk postkan mslh dye kat
kat ctu,she got many feedback that support her..
tetibe,Allah tnjukkan jln pd sorang kwn dye utk gitau president of an islamic association..
coz he might be know what's the proper way to handle this..
then,mr presiden aturkan pertemuan ngan senior yg penah revert n also with two person that involved in the 'revertion' of the senior..
after one usrah with them,Farah just act as usual n being normal..
that night,'the revert senior' came to farah's house..
they just talked n talked about aqidah..
then,drastically farah tnye,"camner nk mengucap ek?"..
both of her housemate that are there n also the senior shocked..
but they just support her..
mlm tu juga,berlaku laa pengucapan 2 kalimah syahadah yg ditunggu2 selama ni oleh kwn2 dye..
dgn disaksikan oleh 3 org jer..
saat2 tu agak mendebarkan.
senior tu bacakan dgn suara yg halus n lembut..
that girl just follow the senior..
then,semua menitiskan air mata kegembiraan..
satu suasana yg sgt2 sayu..
but,one of their housemate are not there to see it..
agak rugi,but it's ok..

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