Thursday, February 26, 2009

new post??

nothing to say actually..
all we're doing right now is studying PAI..
PAI or PIE???
of course la PAI..
it stands for pendidikan agama islam..
it makes me feel like in form 5 that
have to struggle for PQS,PSI n Tasawwur..
always using short form for all the names..
read for about 2 pages,then i will fall asleep..
then,another 2 pages,again,fall asleep..
hahaa..can't really resist the attraction of the 'boringness' in it..
the feeling is still the same until now..
but still,inside my heart..
i miss my ustaz in my old school..

there's a story about me..
because it seems like nobody is gonna write anything except me in here..
last friday,Soap take a look at her friend's pictures..
all of us joined her to see the picture of their journey to some places in Egypt..
i can see 2 of my friends in the pictures..
they are all seems to be happy to be there..
then,suddenly i cried..
i've cried so hard..
my tears are flowing continuously..
the reason of the tears is not because of them
as i'm not that close with them back in the school year to miss them until crying..
but because my heart felt so much pain as that is the place that actually i wanted to go..
i want to go to middle east,but in the application form,
i choose only 'perubatan' instead of 'perubatan timur tgh'..
i got the choice in my hand at the time..
nobody is forcing me..
nobody is telling me what to choose..
but of course,i've got my own reason..
it's not that i want to go to ireland or what,
but because of bahasa arab..
i've gone through so much trouble in learning the language..
it's just too difficult to understand..
but,right now,i miss the subject so much..
note:i got so boring,so i write
about myself instead of us the 4s
>sorry girls..haha

Thursday, February 12, 2009

mystery of 8-3a1

just nk list out sket sumthin' weird lam umah kami..
takot2 ade ape2 yg menimpa kitorg..
so hrp2 kwn2 yg tau bley alert sket..
ngeh3x,poyo giler ayat...

andai, diriku pergi..
tinggalkanmu sendiri..
usah kau sedih..
usah tangisi duga dari Ilahi..

da la ngan mengarut tu..
k,now we will start with the list of weird things that happen here(actually de 2 jer):

  • semalam,kitorg perasan ade baju ktt lam pelik aa..walopun xpenah pakai,tp xde la smpai buang kot..tnye sume,tp xde org ngaku..saiz L..pastu sume check lam bagasi msing2(nmpk sgt sorok btol2 baju tu n xpenah tepikir nk guna)..rupe2nyer bj syak yg ilang,tp dia ckp dienyer saiz XL..dia yakin giler2 yg tu bkn baju shirt is dat???
  • then,ak nyer sluar tdo..mmg tu khusus tok tdo jemur kat ampaian kat blakang..ble angkat,ak tgk,die koyak rabak..nk kate koyak sbb washing machine,tak..sbb kitorang cam tu bekas kn iron..ape ke jadahnyer ak nk iron sluar tdo??hmm..tnye diorg,pun xd yg ngaku..lagipun kitorg xde laa selapang tu nk tlg ironkan sluar tdo org len..hmmm,then???what's the thing is??

Saturday, February 7, 2009


giler borink nh..
tp smlm sue,syak n syaril+mun n aifa gi times square.. giler...
mcm nk mati ms nek yg mcm kapal tu..
ape ekk nme dye,xingat aa..
first nek yg pusing2 tu..
ak kena hempap ngan syak n mun kena hempap ngan aifa..
hahaha..nasib bek syahril xhempap sape2..
kalo x..xtau laa ape naseb dye..
kitorang msuk rumah hantu..
huhuhu..takot giler!!
first melangkah,syak menjerit sbb kaki dye tersangkut..
ingatkan ape,rupa2nye karpet..
ak yg duk kat dpn ms tu tiba2 jdk takot..
ak tgk sekeliling,sblh kanan ada antu ngah duduk atas kerusi..
ak da bajet2 dye akan bgun..
ak tgk kiri,tiba2 ak mnjerit..
ak ingatkan antu kat tepi,rupa2nye org yg tunjuk arah kat kitorang..
hik3x,kelakar tol...bleh plak silap org..
then,jln lgi..
tgk ade hantu yg awal2nyer duduk jer..
bile kitorang jln kat tepi,
trus dye bgun meluru
ke arah kitorg..
ak n aifa yg mmg dri awal2 da tau hakikat yg tu adalah org yg menyamar,still menjerit2 ketakutan....
xnak kene kejor..
keh3x..kalut jap ms tu..
mun kat dpn..jln ngan selambe jer..
aifa peluk mun,ak peluk aifa,syak jln kat belakang ak..
syaril lg laaa,selambe badak jer jln..
ktorang jer yg terpekik2 kat situ..
lps kuar dri 'haunted chamber' tu,
lega rsnyer..
penunjuk arah ktorg tu senyum jer kat kitorg..
naek bumper car..
ngeh3x...ak 1st nek mmg byk kali ter'stuck' sorg2..
lps tu lggar syaril n syak..
ak n syak kepung syaril,
kejor dye..keh3x...
aifa n mun rehat jap..
diorg letih ms tu...